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Science at Sharmans Cross happens both inside and outside of the classroom!

Take a look at the pictures and the different sections of our science page for an insight into how we create our broad and balanced science curriculum!

Curriculum overview


At Sharmans Cross, we are committed to creating a science curriculum that inspires, enthuses and engages our pupils. Every opportunity, whether inside or outside the classroom, will enrich the children and facilitate their love of science, enquiry and the world that they live in.

The main aims of our science curriculum are to enable children to broaden their scientific views of the world around them through exploring, talking about, testing and developing ideas about everyday phenomena and the relationships between living things and their environments. As the children move through the school, they encounter more abstract ideas and begin to recognise how they can predict how the wider world operates whilst recognising that scientific ideas change and develop over time.

British values run through the whole of our science curriculum as the children gain an appreciation of the human impact on the world and understanding the consequences of our actions. Practical activities in science require students to engage in team work and show mutual respect for each other. Democracy is taught through student debates on issues such as where to place dams and reservoirs and examining issues such as whether smoking should be made illegal.
