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Welcome to the club page


At Sharmans Cross we are pleased to offer clubs after school organised by teachers and working in partnership with outside providers.

All outside providers are subject to rigorous safeguarding, and qualification checks ensuring the welfare of the children attending.

The current list of outside providers running after school activities is attached to this page with contact emails. These clubs are run independently of school and therefore if you wish your child to attend you must book directly.




Stardust Dance Academy


Stardust Dance Academy run the Monday after school dance club that is held in your school sports hall, straight after school until 4.30pm.

The sessions are open to girls and boys that would like to either come along to learn routines and improve their technique for fun or to start them on their dance journey, with opportunities of performing in our annual shows at The Core Theatre, The Royal Albert Hall and West End, London.

 The class is a modern style, with popular chart/ film music etc.

If your child would like to come along to try a class, please contact Carla on

07957 283608 /or at

 We would love to welcome you into the Stardust family

