Home Page

SC Kids



Welcome to SC Kids


As part of the Sharmans Cross family, SC Kids provide a breakfast club and after school care in a fun and friendly setting.


On this page you will find useful information such as booking forms, parent information and current activity planning details. We will be regularly updating this page with photographs and newsletters.


We welcome parents and children to come and visit us.  If you would like to look round please call us on the office number of 0121 705 2379 to arrange an appointment.  We would love to see you.




You can find below SC_Kids New Contracts for

September 2024 - July 2025


All contracts are to be completed and handed into SC_Kids or Sharmans Cross reception for the attention of

Mrs Gooch.

The Deadline for all new contracts is: 

Tuesday 2nd July 2024.






SC Kids Mobile Telephone Number.


Should you need to contact us directly please telephone 07824 419 382.

This number should also be used to inform us if your child will not be attending club

for any reason including sickness, and attendance at another after school club.



We operate the schools Safeguarding Children policy, and in this regard we work closely with the Local Authority. As with all child carers, our organisation is obliged to report any concerns about the welfare of children. Staff members have the obligation to report concerns included in their contract of employment. The full safeguarding policy can be found on the school section of this website under 'Policies'.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead for SC Kids is Mrs Lyn Hoban


Home reports

If you think a child or young person is being harmed or is at risk of being harmed then you must contact Children Social Work Services and tell them your concerns.

You can report your concerns by calling the Solihull MASH Team on 0121 788 4333

(Monday-Thursday 8.45am-5.20pm, Friday 8.45pm-4.30pm).

If you are calling out working hours (evening, weekends or bank holidays) call the Emergency Duty Team on 0121 605 6060.

If you think a child or young person is in immediate danger, call the emergency services on 999


Equal opportunities / Special needs

  • Our club provides a safe and caring environment, free from discrimination for everyone in our community including children with additional needs.
  • We respect the different racial origins, religions, cultures and languages in a multi-ethnic society so that each child is valued as an individual without racial or gender stereotyping.
  • We will challenge inappropriate attitudes and practices.
  • We will not tolerate any form of racial harassment.


Behaviour/ Anti bullying

  • Children and staff have created rules for acceptable behaviour whilst at the club. These are displayed for everyone to see.
  • Every member in the club is encouraged to have respect for one another. We use the same rules that the children know and use in school. The school /club behaviour policy and anti-bullying policy will be enforced in club.
  • Parents will be contacted if their child’s behaviour is causing unnecessary distress to another child or a member of staff. In extreme circumstances we reserve the right to withdraw our offer of a place, e.g. where the overall safety and security of other children may be at risk.
  • Further information can be found by following the link below.





Data Protection Act 2018:

The club follows the school Privacy Notice and abides by the Freedom of information policy and Data Protection Policy. These documents can be found in full on this website.

Planning and Curriculum links at SC Kids Club.

When staff plan activities as SC Kids they consider the children’s personal interests along with;

The Five Outcomes for Children

  • Enjoy and achieve.
  • Stay safe.
  • Be healthy.
  • Make a positive contribution.
  • Achieve economic wellbeing.


The Principles of Play work Practice

  • To extend the choice and control that children have over their play, the freedom they enjoy and the satisfaction they gain from it.
  • Maximize the range of play opportunities. Foster independence and self-esteem.
  • Manage the balance between the need to offer risk and the need to keep children safe from harm.
  • Foster children's respect for others and offers opportunities for social interaction.
  • Recognise the child's need to test boundaries and responds positively to that need.
  • Foster the child's well-being, healthy growth and development.
  • Further Knowledge and understanding, creativity and the capacity to learn.


We also aim to compliment the objectives within the school curriculum and look at the subjects the children will be learning about during the term. Wherever possible we will build upon what they are learning in school by complimenting the subjects within our planned activities.

All of our activities incorporate basic skills. When cooking, we weigh and measure, board games include counting skills. Numeracy skills are also reinforced in activities such as the target game others involve spelling or reinforce fine motor skills. Physical activities and games are also provided and outdoor play and learning are an important aspect of our planning.


Activities are always offered to the children within a relaxed environment understanding that this is the children’s time to relax and play with their friends. There are no expectations that the children should engage in any particular activity, their time, their choice. If a child expresses a particular interest in an activity or game we will endeavour to provide the equipment or activity to make this possible for the child to enjoy.


We are mindful that the children also value this time to build upon their relationships with friends, and make new friends across the year groups. We actively encourage all year groups to mix and children are a member of a team in club, which allows us to include team games and challenges in our activities.


f you would like your child to complete homework in club time, we can arrange for this to take place, although please be aware that it can get a little noisy in club, and may be a little difficult to concentrate. Please also note that whilst we encourage the children with their homework, we do not offer tuition in club.


Parents are always welcome in our club, we would encourage you to stay a little, or as long as time permits. However we realize that on the whole it is mainly working parents that use our club, and have other children and commitments at the end of the day. It is therefore our objective to inform parents of the activities taking place through notice boards, photograph displays, and newsletters. We welcome your feedback, and you can contact us at any time through the school office or via email.

   Frequently asked questions


 How do I book a place for my child?                                             

 If you would like to book a place for your child, please ask for a Registration Form (available from the school office, via email, or download from the website). Children are unable to come to club unless the registration forms have been completed and the contract signed. All information provided will be treated as confidential and will be stored  appropriately.

 All information is processed in line with GDPR regulations.


 Is the club open in school holidays?                                                                                  No SC Kids does not operate in the school holidays or on inset days. Staff will assist parents with information of other clubs in the area.                                  


Where is the club based?          

The club is based in the school hall. Several areas of the school are available for our use. These include the IT suite, sports hall, outdoor area, and playgrounds.


Where do we enter the building?                                                                                       The entrance to the club is opposite the vehicle entrance and adjacent to the school kitchen. Parents are asked to ring bell, and a member of staff will let you in.


What is the policy for transition from class to club at the end of the school day?      Children in year 3,4,& 5 are collected by staff from their classrooms and taken to the hall. Year 6 children make their own way  to the hall where their arrival is monitored by a member of staff.


What activities are offered?                                                                                                  Indoor and outdoor activities are planned daily. Children are encouraged to participate in these planned activities but are able to choose from various resources and play equipment that are available. Children are asked to make suggestions  through the SC Kids council regarding new resources and equipment and where possible appropriate requests are met.


Can my child attend other after school clubs?

Yes, Parents must let us know of their child's attendance and if they will return to SC Kids. Parents will be charged for their   session at SC Kids unless they  wish to cancel. There is  4 week's paid notice to cancel any sessions.


Can someone else collect my child?                                                                                  Parents must inform us if their child is being collected by someone other than themselves. The person's personal details need to be added to the child's account as a new contact and they should know the password, until they are familiar to SC_Kids staff. If the person collecting  is unfamiliar to staff they will ask them for the password you have indicated on your contact form. Failure to inform the person of your password will delay the handing over process while we contact you.


How do I pay?

Payments are accepted through Parent Pay, Childcare vouchers, and Government Tax Free Childcare arrangements. Parents are invoiced via email and payment is due two weeks after the invoice date. All payments are made in advance. Late payments will incur a late payment fee.

First Aiders

Manesha Chohan

Ansuya Parmar

Anne Alcott



Voucher Information


We receive payments from a number of voucher companies.  Below is the account information they will normally ask parents when setting up schemes with them that you may find useful.


Our Ofsted number is 104049.

Care 463109424
Bravo B91 1PH 0r Ofsted No
KiddivouchersB91 1PH or Ofsted No
RG Childcare


Co -Op Flexible Benefits85112284
Enjoy Benefits20259
Government Tax Free Childcare50026543109


