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Please find below information about after-school clubs.


If after-school clubs are not on for any reason, it is the responsibility of the 

the 'club provider' to advise you directly.


However, if it is a Teacher Led after school club, school will let you know.


If your child is not attending any club after school and they are on the register, please let the letting know directly by telephone or school if it is a Teacher Led activity via email. 




After School Clubs January 2024

An introduction to the lettings procedure

It is the governors’ policy that whenever it is reasonable and practical, use of the school’s physical resources outside the school day should be permitted by members of the local community. Lettings to local groups are dependent upon payment of a fee and acceptance of the terms and conditions set out in the Lettings Agreement (this can be found in the school policies section of this website)and are subject to authorisation by the Head Teacher on behalf of the School Governors.

If you wish to hire the facilities you should approach the Head Teacher or the Extended Services Manager who will identify the requirements for hire and clarify the facilities available.

Please note that the hire of the premises will not be agreed should the hire be aimed at

  • promoting extremist views
  • Involves the dissemination of inappropriate materials
  • Is likely to cause offence to public taste and decency (except where this is, in the opinion of the Head of School, balanced or outweighed by freedom of expression or artistic merit).
  • Lettings will not be made to persons under the age of 18, or to any organisation or group with an unlawful or extremist background.

The school premises will not be let for political use, the only exception to this is a polling station.



Child Protection

Any persons hiring the premises or working with children or vulnerable adults must comply with the school safeguarding regulations. Before a letting is agreed the school will ensure that all persons in contact with the children hold a valid DBS (formerly CRB) These DBS are assigned to the organisation running the club, or their affiliated body. School also ensure that all persons have the right to work in the U.K.

To further ensure correct safeguarding measures are in place each member of staff is required to complete a Disqualification Regulation form, and group leaders are required to provide confirmation of SMBC’S safeguarding requirements and a copy of the clubs safeguarding policy.

Leaders and coaches are required to submit relevant coaching certificates.


Prevent Duty

If an individual or group is found to be promoting views in contravention of the school’s Prevent duty, the person or group is guilty of an offence, under the Education Act 1996, and liable on summary conviction to a fine. In addition, the school will contact the police/school security who will remove the person or group from school premises.


All clubs must be compatible with the overall aims and ethos of the school.

Stop Press.



For more information  on lettings please contact Melissa Gooch ( Extended Services Manager) on or Nick Reich (Site Manager) on 0121 705 2379 or at
