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Mental Health & Wellbeing


At Sharmans Cross, we are committed to supporting children, staff and parents in their wellbeing and mental health. We know that wellbeing, physical and mental health are all vital to successful learning. If you have any worries or concerns about your child’s emotional behaviour or well-being, then please let school know. There will be things we can do to help further and support you.

What is Mental Health?


Mental health includes social, psychological and emotional well-being. Mental health refers to the ability to function and deal with daily life and everything it represents.

The phrase ‘mental health’ is often thought to refer to mental health problems. It is the case, however, that everyone has mental health.  People have times when their mental health is good and also times when it isn’t.  Mental health can vary over time, just like physical health.

Mental ill health is a phrase used to describe a range of conditions which can lead to changes in feelings or behaviour. These conditions include; anxiety, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders and psychosis.  This is not an exhaustive list.

One in ten children experience mental ill health and over 50% of mental health illnesses start before the age of 14. These and further statistics on mental health can be found here.

Key Contacts


Mrs Whitcombe – Child and Family Support Worker and Mental Health First Aider


Mrs Ferguson – DSL and Mental Health First Aider


Miss Wilkes - Headteacher and DSL


Miss Smith – SENDCo

Further Information


Look out for ideas and activities to try our at home in our weekly newsletter! You may also find the following links helpful for further information and advice:


Mentally Healthy Schools – Anna Freud

Tutorful – Helping your child with anxiety

NHS – Every Mind Matters

Place2BE – Improving Children’s Mental Health

Childrens Mental Health Week 2024



Children's mental Health Week 2024 will take place from 5-11 February 2024.  This year's theme is 'My Voice Matters'


My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves. Over the week we will be completing activities focussing on mental health and wellbeing.  Top tips for both families and children can be found in the documents below.


If you require any additional support or advice regarding mental health please contact Mrs Ferguson or Mrs Whitcombe via the school office.
