Home Page

Year 4

Hello Year 4!


Welcome to your homework page.

Here you can find your weekly homework tasks to complete.  Please note, we cannot upload any copyright materials onto the website. If you have lost any comprehension or grammar sheets, ask your teacher for a spare copy. Check the window of 4S classroom to see what the homework is.


Children who receive a separate spelling list from Mrs Robley or Mrs Shyam will be given a paper copy (stuck into their diary). Everyone else will need to refer to the homework sheet (see below).


Remember  to do 15 minutes of TT Rockstars every week, please. It is so important that children can recall the times tables up to 12x12.


Homework will be set each Friday and due in on this day. There will be a tray in your classroom for you to put your homework. Feel free to bring your homework in earlier in the week, if that is useful for you.  Remember, homework club is available twice a week at lunchtime on Mondays and Wednesdays in the computer room. Children who have completed their homework on time will receive a housepoint.


Please let your teacher know if you need any support with your homework.


Mrs Ashby, Mr Cook, Mrs Bacon and Miss Higley

Set 10.1.25

30.12.24 Here is a little bit of homework for the second week of the Christmas holidays - nothing too arduous.

Set 13.12.24 There are no printed out sheets this week. I hope everyone is beginning to feel festive!

6.12.24 Please bring in a large tomato on Monday for a history lesson at some point this week. Note: no new spellings to learn. Children will have their single word spelling test.

8/11/24 ALERT: Please bring an apple in on Monday 11th November for outdoor learning. We will use them to make birdfeeders when we do our outdoor learning session.

24.10.24 Have a lovely half term break

27.9.24 Note the amended comments re: AR reading expectiations.

20.9.24 Reminder: Professor McGinty via Parentpay

Homework 6.9.24 A gentle start to Y4 homework after the long summer break.
