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Peripatetic Instrument Tuition



Providing An Instrument

  • Instruments will need to be purchased by parents ahead of lessons starting in September.
  • Please contact Solihull Music Service for further advice or details about instruments.
  • Instruments can be ordered through the office, if you ask at reception. 



Learning to play an instrument is very worthwhile and also quite demanding. Careful consideration needs to be given before you agree to your child making the commitment. Your support is appreciated in ensuring your child has a clear understanding of what is expected of them when they start lessons.

  • Regular practise is a key to progress when learning an instrument. Making the time to practise three or four times a week for 15-20 minutes will see a new beginner turn their squeaks into recognisable melodies!
  • While class teachers will make every attempt to avoid diary clashes, there may be times when school trips will take place on the same day as an instrument lesson.  Please bear in mind that any lessons your child misses in such circumstances cannot usually be re-scheduled.
  • Your support is hugely appreciated to ensure your child brings his/her instrument to school on the correct day (with the exception of keyboards, which the school keeps in readiness) and takes them home again the same day so that they can practise during the week.


Many Thanks

Mr Lees
